NSC Research & Statistical Services

The Importance of Research and Statistics in Safety

Effective safety management systems are data-driven and supported with scientific research and statistics. We use this knowledge to understand and prevent injury, ultimately leading to a safer world.

NSC offers a number of data-driven services such as employee perception surveys and assessments to help organizations build a strong safety program. We have expertise in a wide range of safety-related topics, including:

● Safety engineering
● Epidemiology
● Social psychology
● Safety Statistics
● Industrial/organizational psychology

Our Expertise

Since the early 1920s, NSC has published Injury Facts®, an annual statistical compendium on unintentional injuries and deaths and comprehensive illness data.NSC also manages the international, peer-reviewed Journal of Safety Research for safety practitioners and researchers who want to understand and communicate current safety thinking, trends and data. Published five times per year, The Journal of Safety Research, is available by subscription.

The Journal of Safety Research and Injury Facts have been cited extensively by safety researchers and statisticians.

NSC Research & Statistical Services

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